
The Old Switcheroo

Jul 24 08

The Old Switcheroo

Paul Weinstein

Back in May I outlined a number of changes we here at Zoomshare had planned for everybody’s photo albums including a new mid-size view of an image, embed codes for sharing the image on the web and more. One feature we’ve been developing, that I left out of that initial list, was the capturing of photo uploads for promotion on Zoomshare.com.

Well now after a few weeks of development, testing, customer feedback and reprioritizing we’ve pulled a little switcheroo. The latest feature for Zoomies being the promotion of their smiling faces, pets, group pictures, favorite art and more (naturally, to be considered, the images must be family friendly) while we tweak and adjust, based in part on user feedback, the master list of new album features.

How do you get an image considered for Zoomshare.com? It is as simple as simple can be, just upload one or more photos to a photo album on your website and tune into Zoomshare.com for daily updates.

Why should you care? Well getting an image with a link to your site on Zoomshare.com, which is currently averaging just over 3,000 visitors per day, will help get your site noticed and bring new visitors to you. It also helps spruce up our home page, allowing us to showcase our terrific online community to potential new users.

It’s Win – Win, so Join In!