Technabob, per its usual off the beaten path, hightlighted a few silly gadgets, that well I have to wonder a bit about. First off is the 35mm camera shaped like, the a 35mm roll of film. What’s even odder is that it can only be found in South Korea.
I mean I know retro-chic is all the rage these days, but can one even find 35mm film for sale these days (no, eBay doesn’t count). For that amtte can one even find 35mm film in Korea now?
Now what I do like is this quite pratical giant (6.5″ x 4.5″) lighter. I mean that is exactly what I need this April, not as “any one need a light?” gag, but more for a, “excuse me I need to light this grill”
Just wait, I’ll have this lighter in one hand and a container of lighter fluid in another soon enough…..