
Tea and Taxes

Apr 15 09

Tea and Taxes

Paul Weinstein

I get it, trust me, I get it.

I waited in line this morning to mail in my taxes. I owe money to the Federal government, to the State of Illinois and to the State of Minnesota. I “caught a break” in not owing more money to the District of Columbia, but I still had to shell out an additional $30 to find that out. So I get it.

I wasn’t procrastinating. I knew I was going to owe money. I sat down in February and did a quick double check, confirmed I was going to owe money and decided to wait. Why pay just now? See in February I had just lost my full-time job. See, I get it.

This isn’t about making you feel sorry for me. I knew it was coming. I left my full-time job back in July to work on the Presidential Campaign in Minnesota. Once November came I was out of a job. Then I caught a break, ended up in DC working on the Inauguration. Of course that just delayed the inevitable. I should have done my taxes right then a there, paid them while I still had a little wiggle room. Now I’m worrying about pulling in as many consulting hours I can, working on my own, knowing that the money I’m making is already spoken for. See, I get it.

I get the worry, I get the stress. I get the frustration. I get that we feel over burdened. That at times it seems, as individuals and as a nation, we have too many obligations. Trust me, I get it.

But I also get that it is not just about me. That I had have my say. That I voted and that a $13 Trillion economy doesn’t turn on a dime. That change is not immediate.

What I don’t get is this: